#OneWord2022: Why Connect?

selective focus photography of child s hand

This month, Lisa prompts us to “Tell us again why you chose your One Word.” Here are my answers to the questions (in one sentence, as she challenged us):


“Connect” just popped into my head as soon as I thought about choosing one word for the year, so I didn’t even consider other options.


I’d say because I have gone through times of feeling very disconnected — from myself, from other people, and from the world — and that has been so painful that I really want to change the pattern and learn more about healthy connections.


Focusing on this word has pulled together a lot of diverse thoughts and experiences; it really has been a way to “connect” many things.

selective focus photography of child s hand
Photo by Juan Pablo Serrano Arenas on Pexels.com

Going forward, I can only say that connecting the dots in my life is something I will never stop wanting and needing to do. It is my firm conviction and experience that the divine indwelling spirit is always reaching out to us, is always open, always available. It is I who shut down the connection and cut myself off, in fear or confusion or pain. And at times, as I said last month, a certain degree of disconnection is necessary.

But no human can live without healthy, abundant, nourishing connection, to other humans, to oneself, and to the creative power of the universe, whatever name you choose to give it. And so: connect!

What are your thoughts about your one word, if you have one? Or what do you think about mine?

One Word linkup at Lisa Notes

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9 thoughts on “#OneWord2022: Why Connect?

  1. I’ve been focusing on the word “love” this year. It has helped me respond with love in situation where my first reaction was anger or irritation. It has been a helpful word for me.

  2. I didn’t choose a word this year. Connect is a great choice. I believe Covid has disconnected us further yes and I agree that it is something we perpetually need to revise and understand so that we can do better. I came back to blogging because I severed myself from this connection and I felt the loss. As you also said, disconnecting is needed and the other side of healthy connections. Sometimes I need to disconnect in order to connect with the Lord -I am a Christian- and myself and from there back with the world and others.
    Great reflection as always.

    1. Goodness, yes, it’s been a weird time of disconnection in so many ways. No doubt that also played into my choice. Sometimes feeling the loss of disconnection is really important though. As you experienced with blogging, we then know better what is important to us.

  3. I still love your word, Lory! And I want this for myself too: “connecting the dots in my life is something I will never stop wanting and needing to do.” The more disconnected I become from some of my friends and loved ones, the more I understand and appreciate the value of the connections I still have.

    1. I value those connections much more as I grow older. I know how precious, and sometimes fragile, they are.

  4. In answer to Lisa’s question on FB today, this community definitely helps Mr CONNECT with and learn from the one-word journeys of others.

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