#ReadingTheMeow2024: Dewey, the Small-Town Library Cat Who Touched the World

Mallika of Literary Potpourri invites us to read and discuss books with cats in them this week, and after some unsuccessful attempts to find one -- disappointed by books with not enough feline presence or too dull or unpleasant to make me want to finish or share them with you -- I came across this … Continue reading #ReadingTheMeow2024: Dewey, the Small-Town Library Cat Who Touched the World

Reading the Theatre: What I read and watched (plus your contributions)

What I enjoy most about my month of Reading the Theatre is letting one thing lead to another...reading books and plays and watching movies or recorded shows that complement and build on each other, in spontaneous and unexpected ways. This time, since I'm reading through the Oz books for the Ozathon, my path started with … Continue reading Reading the Theatre: What I read and watched (plus your contributions)