Classics Club

From 2014 to 2019 I participated in the Classics Club challenge to read and post about 50 books from a self-determined list of classics in five years. You can see the results of that project on my former blog, The Emerald City Book Review, here.

All the books from that list were worth reading, but here are the ten I enjoyed most:

After completing that goal, I decided to become more informal about my classic reading goals. But I still enjoy keeping track of my progress, so I’m going to list classic books here as I read them, rather than making up a list ahead of time.

I’ve decided to exclude rereads of children’s and YA classics here, a decision I may later regret, but I tend to do a lot of this as comfort reading and that seems to me a different sort of activity. And I may choose to list only my favorite books by a prolific author, or the ones I consider the most important.





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