In my ongoing struggles with prayer, I have been saying The Lord's Prayer at least once a day for the last several years. That doesn't mean I understand it. Sometimes I wonder about the accuracy of the translation, and so recently I tried going back to the original Greek, and delving more into the meaning … Continue reading A puzzling prayer
Category: Spirit
#Narniathon21: The Return to Narnia
When C.S. Lewis first began the story that became The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, he didn't have further installments in mind. And ending as it does with the children returned to the exact moment they left our world through the magic wardrobe, that book has a circular structure that does not necessitate further … Continue reading #Narniathon21: The Return to Narnia
One Word for 2022
This year, I decided to join in a new kind of blog activity for me, the "One Word" community at Lisa Notes. As far as I can tell, this involves choosing one word to engage with during the year, mindfully following it as a thread through life's ups and downs and distractions. Once a month … Continue reading One Word for 2022
Shepherds and Kings, warmth and light
Retable of the life of the Virgin, anonymous, c. 1480 At the turning point of timethe spirit light of the worldentered the stream of earth-existence.Darkness of nighthad ceased its reign;day-radiant lightshone forth in human souls.LightThat gives warmthTo simple shepherds' hearts;lightthat enlightensthe wise heads of kings. Light divine,Christ-Sun,warm our hearts,enlighten our heads,that good may becomewhat from … Continue reading Shepherds and Kings, warmth and light