Here’s another Reading the Theatre post from Staircase Wit, about the “Gemma” books by Noel Streatfeild. You may not have heard of this series, which is less well known than her “Shoes” books, but it’s worth searching out if you can, for another variation on the theme of performing children that Streatfeild did so well.
Are you a Streatfeild fan? What’s your favorite? Or have you read anything for Reading the Theatre? Let me know in the comments!
I am a Streatfeild fan from way back. Someone gave me a copy of Apple Bough when I was young, maybe 8 or 9? I think it was brought back from England. I read it and reread it, and then at the library I discovered there were others by the same author! Apple Bough is still my favorite though, not least because it introduced me to the Browning poem that begins “Oh to be in England, now that April’s there.”
I had to look up Apple Bough because I was not familiar with that one. It sounds excellent but I’m unlikely to find a copy any time soon. Thanks for sharing your memories.