This month I am loving the beautiful artwork my son hung on my bedroom wall. He is so talented! I don’t know why he doesn’t want to go to art school, but at least we get to live in our own gallery.

I have been learning about the Enneagram, a personality-type system that is touted as a pathway to spiritual growth. This has been part of my Spiritual Direction training, which I am enjoying so much. I hadn’t known much about the Enneagram before, and it has been enlightening indeed to discover my number (I am a 4, if that means anything to you) and to consider how knowing this can help me better understand both my challenges and my gifts. I’m thinking of writing a longer post on the subject, because there is too much to go into here.

I have been seeing signs of spring: crocuses and daffodils popping up, two magpies building a nest high in a tree, a young foal with his mother. After a rainshower we saw a wonderful double rainbow out of our window.

Another sign of spring I appreciate is when Jerusalem artichokes appear in the market again. I’ve been eating these healthy tubers which are good for the liver and full of prebiotic fiber. Because I don’t eat most grains and try to avoid potatoes, I’m always happy to have alternatives.

What would you share this month?
Share Four Somethings is a meme hosted by Overflowing with Thankfulness. I thought I’d try something new and join this year, as a way to look back at some of the things I loved, saw, learned, and ate each month. (I’m replacing “reading” with “seeing,” because I always review my reading in my monthly wrap-up post.) If you’d like to join too, the linkup is the last Saturday of each month.

If you have a bit of a garden, it’s super easy to grow Jerusalem artichockes. They are the veggie of the poor, they grow basically everywhere, whether it’s dry or wet.
Then you can easily keep a few in the soil for the next year harvest.
They also make very tall beautiful yellow flowers (like a simplified version of a sunflower let’s say). Though if you let them go to flower, the tuber itself will be smaller, so I usually cut most stems before they get to flower, but leave a few for the beauty
That is great to know. Maybe we’ll have a garden again someday.
That landscape with the double rainbows is so beautiful!
It is, and yesterday there was another one! It really is the season.
Your son’s art work is beautiful. I hope you will share more in the future.
I’d be delighted. Hope he will keep up with it.
I like the way your son has off-centered the jar of flowers and picked up the warm tones in his background – lovely!
He has some sound artistic instincts, I believe.
That is some gorgeous rainbow! What a beautiful way to start the weekend … and a lovely way to meet you.
Thank you, it was a nice break in the midst of a rainy day
Your son’s artwork is fabulous! I love the rainbow, but your view is amazing as well! Have a great weekend!
Thank you, we are so blessed to be here.
Your son’s artwork and the double rainbow are both so beautiful!! What a lovely view you have! Have a blessed weekend! Visiting from SFS#12
Thanks for your kind words and wishes.
The view out your window is spectacular. What a delight.
I have found the Enneagram to also be very helpful. AROUND THE CIRCLE is an interesting podcast on the Enneagram.
I love words as well…
Popping over from the Share Four Somethings gang.
There is certainly a ton of Enneagram content out there! Thanks for the suggestion.
Wow, your son’s artwork and your photos are both beautiful! Thanks for sharing 🙂
My pleasure, glad you liked them.
Lory, your son is very talented! And that double rainbow is amazing. I’m glad you are enjoying your spiritual direction training. 🙂
It’s an ongoing adventure, no idea where we’ll go next month. 😀
Wow, your son’s artwork is amazing! The Road Back to You was my introduction to the Enneagram. A friend and I actually went to a weekend seminar that Ian and Suzanne put on at the time. I learned so much, and have since read lots of other books on it (I’m a 5, can you tell? lol). I don’t think it’s a flawless system, of course, but it does help shed some light on myself and people in my life.
It must have been wonderful to hear Ian and Suzanne in person. For our training we were given links to lectures by Richard Rohr in which he says the Enneagram is best taught in person, and his warmth and humor helped make the insights about one’s shadow side palatable. I’ll check out your Enneagram posts on the blog now, looks like you did quite a deep dive there!