I met my Summer in Other Languages goal of reading Le Grand Meaulnes, the classic novel by Alain-Fournier, in French. I'd read it some years ago in English, but I forgot most of the plot and it was like reading it for the first time! As with previous French reads, it was great to participate … Continue reading Summer in Other Languages: Le Grand Meaulnes
Author: Lory
#Narniathon21: Farewell to Narnia
Reading through the Chronicles of Narnia has been a delightful experience, especially with all the stimulating and thoughtful commentary from our host Chris of Calmgrove and other participants. I will miss my monthly journey to this magical land; each one has brought back memories of childhood along with much to consider from an adult perspective. … Continue reading #Narniathon21: Farewell to Narnia
Blog holiday
For the next couple of weeks I'm on holiday in the mountains -- I hope to share some pictures with you when I return. I am looking forward to having lots of time to read, relax, and do some hiking in the beautiful Engadin region. Wishing you all a good summer!
Six in Six: A mid-year recap
Over at The Book Jotter, Six in Six is a meme that helps book bloggers look back at the first half of their year's reading. I've seen it on other blogs I follow, but I've never done it myself. You can choose from Jo's categories (as I did) or make up your own. Six categories … Continue reading Six in Six: A mid-year recap
Month in Review: June 2022
Literature In the course of the Narniathon we've reached the last volume of the Chronicles of Narnia, a bittersweet event. I have loved revisiting these childhood favorites, which really were a formative force for my imagination, and finding that while there is much I now question or would like to say differently as an adult, … Continue reading Month in Review: June 2022
#OneWord2022: Why Connect?
This month, Lisa prompts us to "Tell us again why you chose your One Word." Here are my answers to the questions (in one sentence, as she challenged us): 1. WHY DID I CHOOSE THIS WORD? "Connect" just popped into my head as soon as I thought about choosing one word for the year, so … Continue reading #OneWord2022: Why Connect?
#Narniathon21: The Last King of Narnia
Rereading The Last Battle, our final Narnia volume in the Narniathon hosted by Calmgrove, was a peculiar experience. I loved this book as a child; I was a melancholic, disgruntled sort of girl, who felt at odds with my time and social setting, and it seems I found Lewis's picture of a civilization in decay … Continue reading #Narniathon21: The Last King of Narnia
Support Book Bloggers Challenge: Ten posts I commented on
I have been very remiss with this challenge hosted by Pages Unbound. I took part in January and Feburary and then forgot all about it. Sorry, fellow book bloggers! I do still want to support you (the challenge is just a pretext). This month I'm linking up to some of the posts I have commented … Continue reading Support Book Bloggers Challenge: Ten posts I commented on
What’s really been eating me?
In my posts about my journey with functional medicine, I talk about my quest to heal my digestive issues. But this is more than an outer quest in the realm of food and supplements. What I believe really lies behind these issues is not an innate food sensitivity or defective organ, but my compulsive eating … Continue reading What’s really been eating me?
My Functional Medicine Journey, Part II: A New Direction
A while ago I posted about my decision to try Functional Medicine for my digestive issues. I started with one practitioner who did testing, identified gut dysbiosis as my major problem, and put me on supplements to address that. He also worked with neurofeedback and I found this very interesting, as a way to change … Continue reading My Functional Medicine Journey, Part II: A New Direction