This month, Lisa prompts us to "Tell us again why you chose your One Word." Here are my answers to the questions (in one sentence, as she challenged us): 1. WHY DID I CHOOSE THIS WORD? "Connect" just popped into my head as soon as I thought about choosing one word for the year, so … Continue reading #OneWord2022: Why Connect?
Category: Life
What’s really been eating me?
In my posts about my journey with functional medicine, I talk about my quest to heal my digestive issues. But this is more than an outer quest in the realm of food and supplements. What I believe really lies behind these issues is not an innate food sensitivity or defective organ, but my compulsive eating … Continue reading What’s really been eating me?
My Functional Medicine Journey, Part II: A New Direction
A while ago I posted about my decision to try Functional Medicine for my digestive issues. I started with one practitioner who did testing, identified gut dysbiosis as my major problem, and put me on supplements to address that. He also worked with neurofeedback and I found this very interesting, as a way to change … Continue reading My Functional Medicine Journey, Part II: A New Direction
#OneWord2022: Connecting, disconnecting, reconnecting
Even though my One Word this year is "Connect," I know full well it's not possible to be connected to everything all the time. We humans are too weak and frail for that; we need breaks, or else it's as if we've stuck our finger into an electric socket and can't get it out. So … Continue reading #OneWord2022: Connecting, disconnecting, reconnecting
#OneWord2022: Connecting and communicating
The one word I chose to contemplate this year is CONNECT. So far I've been thinking about connecting with various things, shifting slightly from month to month. Last month I reflected on connecting with failure. That brought up memories of failures in communication, my own and others'. For me, connecting and communicating are so close … Continue reading #OneWord2022: Connecting and communicating
My functional medicine journey, Part I: Foundations
As I've mentioned elsewhere, I've had digestive problems and gastric headaches for a large portion of my life. I've tried various things but nothing has worked for long, and last year things escalated to the point where I had to have my gallbladder removed. My regular family doctor saw "malfunctioning gallbladder" as the cause of … Continue reading My functional medicine journey, Part I: Foundations
#OneWord2022: Connecting with failure
I wasn't sure what to focus on this month with my One Word (CONNECT). But the theme of failure kept surfacing -- not something I generally want to connect with, though sometimes it is unavoidable. And sometimes, much as I do not want to acknowledge it, it is a gift. I was talking with a … Continue reading #OneWord2022: Connecting with failure
Postcards from Switzerland: Lovely Lucerne
We haven't been doing much traveling for the last few months, but last October on our way back from Ticino we stopped in Lucerne, a city in the heart of "old Switzerland." It was a gorgeous day to spend a couple of hours in this stunning location by the lake, with a view of the … Continue reading Postcards from Switzerland: Lovely Lucerne
#OneWord2022: CONNECTing with my body
For my One Word intentional practice this year, with my word CONNECT, I plan to choose a focus each month, according to what seems most important to me as time goes by. . It was easy for me to choose my first goal. There's no question that a fundamental issue for me is connecting with … Continue reading #OneWord2022: CONNECTing with my body
A puzzling prayer
In my ongoing struggles with prayer, I have been saying The Lord's Prayer at least once a day for the last several years. That doesn't mean I understand it. Sometimes I wonder about the accuracy of the translation, and so recently I tried going back to the original Greek, and delving more into the meaning … Continue reading A puzzling prayer