Two bloggers have posted great lists of "books with characters with theatrical jobs" to add to your TBR -- I know mine is growing by the day! Check them out at She Reads Novels and Calmgrove. What other books could you suggest on this topic? Some of the books from Helen's list at She Reads … Continue reading Reading the Theatre: Books with theatrical characters
Category: Literature
Reading the Theatre: The story so far
Welcome to a month of Reading the Theatre! I'm planning to have a blast this month with one of my favorite reading themes, so I hope you will indulge me, or even -- in the best-case scenario -- join in to share what inspires your own enthusiasm. I wanted to start out by collecting all … Continue reading Reading the Theatre: The story so far
A brush with history: The Carey Novels
After enjoying several Slightly Foxed publications with my teenage son, I asked if SF would like us to review something from their set of historical novels by Ronald Welch. The twelve Carey Family novels explore British history through the eyes of members of a single family, from the Crusades to the First World War. It's … Continue reading A brush with history: The Carey Novels
Top Ten Books Published the Year I Was Born
This week's Top Ten Tuesday Topic is "Books published before I was born." But I decided to change it to "Books published the year I was born," because there are so many incredible ones! 1969 was quite a year, in many ways. Here are five books I have read, five more I'd like to read, … Continue reading Top Ten Books Published the Year I Was Born
Do you write about every book you read?
My reading pace varies, but I usually finish between three and twelve books per month. I've gone through phases in my life where I record at least the title and author of every book, and since I started blogging seven years ago, I've kept that up. I've never written a review or even jotted notes … Continue reading Do you write about every book you read?
Best of the Best: My top picks from seven years of blogging
Congratulations to Raven Garland, winner of a copy of The Best of the Emerald City Book Review! Thanks to all who celebrated my seven years of blogging at ECBR. If you'd still like a copy of the book, it's available for sale now in EPUB, Kindle, and print format (from Lulu or Amazon). The print … Continue reading Best of the Best: My top picks from seven years of blogging
A necessary passion: Malafrena
Ursula K. Le Guin, Malafrena (1979) When I was a fantasy-loving preteen, I bought the paperback copy of Orsinian Tales by Ursula K. Le Guin. It looked just like my copies of the Earthsea trilogy and The Wind's Twelve Quarters, and I expected to find more magical and otherworldly journeys within its pages. Instead, I … Continue reading A necessary passion: Malafrena
Top Ten Nonfiction Books I Want to Read in 2021
For Top Ten Tuesday, hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl, the theme is "resolutions/hopes for 2021." Here are some of the books I want to read in 2021 - with a focus on nonfiction, since it's one of my resolves to read more of it. Totalitarian and oppressive regimes -- These are threatening and scary, … Continue reading Top Ten Nonfiction Books I Want to Read in 2021
A dramatic transformation: Act One
Moss Hart, Act One (1959) I read Act One years ago, but was inspired to visit it again after reading Julie Andrews's memoir Home, which includes a priceless account of her experience in the Broadway production of My Fair Lady. Hart was the director, and if he hadn't been, Andrews might never have made it … Continue reading A dramatic transformation: Act One
Back to the Classics Challenge 2021
It's time to sign up for another year of the Back to the Classics challenge, hosted by Karen of Books and Chocolate. Here are the categories Karen has chosen this year, and the books I think I might read to fill them (not that I ever actually stick to them): 1. A 19th century classic: … Continue reading Back to the Classics Challenge 2021