In one month, I’ll be in Chestnut Ridge, New York, where I will be giving a lecture and workshop based on my book, When Fragments Make a Whole. Please share this information with anyone who might be interested and able to come, and of course, consider yourself invited!

Working with the Healing Power of the Gospels in our Lives
October 18-20, 2024
Christian Community Church
15 Margetts Road Chestnut Ridge, NY
$10-$30 suggested donation per section
Friday Evening Talk: 7:30 PM
A Pattern of Wholeness: The Sequence of Healings in the Gospels
Lory will read excerpts from and talk about the process of writing her book, When Fragments Make a Whole: A Personal Journey Through Healing Stories in the Bible. As she studied and worked creatively with the stories of individual healing in the four Gospels during a difficult time in her life, she found herself following a path that led to greater integration and self-awareness. Christ wants to help us to take up our destiny with a greater degree of freedom and responsibility than ever before; the sequence of healings can help to show us the way.
Saturday Workshop: 9:00 AM-Noon
Part of the Pattern: Connecting our own stories with the healing impulse of Christ
The healing forces of Christ are at work in the life-story of all human beings. Lory will lead participants in exercises of contemplative reading and writing that can help to make those forces more visible and conscious. Bring paper and a writing utensil.
Sunday Sharing: 12:15 PM after the Consecration of the Human Being
The Healing Medicine of the Sacrament
Lory will share from her own story about how she became aware of the healing influence of the sacraments in their renewed form, particularly the Consecration of the Human Being and the Sacrament of Consultation. This will serve as an invitation to an open conversation about this “medicine,” how we experience its transformative power, and how Christ is calling us to work in new ways with others.
Please email Rev. Anna Silber with questions: /

This is wonderful!
Thanks, I’m very excited!
Hello Lory!!! I see you’ll be in CR this weekend… and I will not be around for much of the weekend. Funny enough, I’m HOSTING book group on Friday evening, or I’d certainly skip out to come to your Friday evening talk at the church. Maybe our paths will cross at church on Sunday. I would love to hear about my Godson’s adventures in high school.
Safe travels, Deb
Hello Deb! I’m at the airport now so will be in CR soon. I’ll certainly be at church Sunday, hope to see you there.