I have a lot of books sitting around that I have not read — some as physical copies, some on my Kobo. I tend to stockpile books and then forget about them as I am lured by the new and shiny, so I’m looking for a push to get me to read some of these buried treasures.
I thought that towards the end of the month I would pick a few titles and ask you, dear readers, to tell me what I should read. Please let me know your selection in the comments — it doesn’t matter if you’ve read the book or not! I will do my best to read the majority choice by the end of next month. If there is no consensus, I’ll pick one by random selection.
The titles below are well-regarded fantasies that all happen to be written by women. They have all been sitting on my e-reader for far too long. Which one will I read in May? I can’t wait to find out!
Parable of the Sower by Octavia Butler
A Stranger in Olondria by Sofia Samatar
Sister Light, Sister Dark by Jane Yolen
Kalpa Imperial by Angelica Gorodischer, translated by Ursula K. LeGuin
Wylding Hall by Elizabeth Hand

Oh man, this is a hard one! I am going to say Parable of the Sower, because maybe if you read it then I will too. Sister Light Sister Dark is a book I loved when I was a kid but am not sure how well it will have held up. Wylding Hall is good though! It’s spooky!
Based on other comments, I’m leaning toward Parable of the Sower. It would be great if you read it too and we can compare notes!
Oh! Parable of the Sower, for sure! It’s the best.I just wrote about it in the context of her other novels: https://necromancyneverpays.wordpress.com/2021/04/19/fiction-of-octavia-e-butler/
Yes, that was one thing that jogged my memory that I have it and really need to read it. And it looks like it will be the winner, so I can’t wait to dig in.
I’m leaning towards reading the first Parable book (as recommended by Jeanne and others) too so look forward to any further laudatory remarks!
Oh good, seems like a trend developing here.
Another vote for Parable of the Sower. Butler’s ability to put her finger exactly on how our society works and what could happen within it was absolutely uncanny.
The description alone sounds incredibly prescient.
Of these I’ve read Parable of the Sower and A Stranger in Olondria. I vote for A Stranger in Olondria. The plot made me go huh??? sometimes, but I loved the setting and Samatar’s prose.
You are in the minority at this point, but I’m very intrigued to read that one too now. Maybe after Parable?
I really like Octavia Butler, but haven’t read Parable of the Sower yet. I have read Kalpa Imperial, and it’s fantastic!
I think Parable is going to win, but there are now positive comments for all five books, which hopefully will encourage me to read them all eventually.
I haven’t read any of these. My vote’s for A Stranger in Olondria which I think has been on my TBR for some years…
It’s a hard decision, but I’m going with the majority vote for Parable of the Sower, with the others remaining high on my list for future reads.
Coming in late on this one, but I loved Parable of the Sower, and it’s eerily timely. I can’t speak to any of the others, though. I hope you enjoy it. Butler is so talented.
I’ll be posting about it tomorrow! I can’t exactly say I enjoyed it, but I am glad I finally read it.