Last March I ran a month-long celebration of theatre-related reading — plays, biographies and memoirs from stage artists, stage-related fiction and nonfiction, or whatever else might seem relevant. I missed going to the theatre! It was a wonderful month and I was glad some blog friends chose to join in. Click on the link above to check out all the details.
Although pandemic closures have eased somewhat, I still miss being in an English-speaking country with access to drama in a language I understand. So I feel like revisiting this theme again, but to avoid clashing with other events (especially March Magics) I’m moving it up to April — with Shakespeare’s birthday, this seems an appropriate month — and making it very low-key. I’m just going to list the theatre-related books I have on my TBR, and hope to get to one or more of them during the month. If anyone wants to do the same, let me know in a comment here or anytime during the month and I’ll give your post a shout-out.
Have you read any of these? Any others to recommend? Or what would you choose for a month of Reading the Theatre?

Just the Donna Leon and what I remember most about this series set in Venice, is her interesting perspective as an outside insider on the city, and Brunetti and his family. The books that come to mind with a theater setting all seem to be mysteries!
I love theatre-based mysteries. A recent one is The Appeal by Janice Hallett. The workings of a theatre company just seem to lead to intrigue, although I think in real life not so often to murder as happens in books. (Let’s hope so anyway.)
The Hallett is on my TBR…
I haven’t, but a couple of friends really enjoy Donna Leon – the books and the TV series based on these books
I’ve heard good things!
I have read a lot of the books in the Donna Leon series. Love them!
Another vote for Leon, duly noted.
I’m pleased you’ve shifted this to April, Lory, and I shall definitely look out some theatre-themed titles before then! I recently reviewed the Moomin book you mentioned, and none of my outstanding classics titles are drama-related, but I’m sure I’ll have something to hand…
You were the one who alerted me to the Moomins. I’m planning to turn to that one first, it sounds like just what I need at the moment. I eagerly anticipate whatever you come up with.
I’d add Mansfield Park to your future list, Lory, because even though the salacious play in it is never performed rehearsals for it make up an important thread.
Then there’s Dodie Smith’s It Ends with Revelations, not quite as perfect as I Capture the Castle but interesting for its picture of provincial rep theatre in 1960s Britain.
Oh good selection. I read It Ends With Revelations a while ago, I think I included it in brief review post … I still aspire to read some of Dodie Smith’s plays!
You might love Booth. I didn’t, but there’s so much attention to theater, I think it would be ideal for someone interested in theatrical history. It’s a thoughtful, detail oriented book and Lincoln and the Booth family are fascinating.
It sounds terrific to me, I do love reading about theatrical history. I have it on hold but it’s so popular I’ll probably have to wait a few months.
I’ve only now discovered you are doing this event Lory. Just checked my TBR and sadly don’t have anything that would fit the bill. Maybe I’ll have better luck next year (assuming of course that you plan on doing this next year)
I might keep it up just as a chance to focus on theatre-themed books (also play productions and filmed shows), because I do enjoy it myself even if nobody else manages to coordinate their reading at the time. I’m always interested in such reviews even if they don’t happen during this particular month.