Linked in The Chocolate Lady’s Book Reviews #ThrowbackThursday link party.
For this month’s Throwback Thursday event, I’m linking back to one of my favorite reviews that hardly anyone seemed to notice on The Emerald City Book Review: my consideration of Thornton Wilder’s Our Town, part of my Reading New England challenge year.

This month, as I’m celebrating Reading the Theatre, seems a good time for a revisit. Hope you enjoy it!

I am enjoying your blog.
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Welcome to the blog! You can expect a mix of book-related posts along with ramblings about life, travel, and whatever else is on my mind. Hope you enjoy it.
I have not seen this performed but would like to. And I seem to recall a book where the characters are putting on this play and two teens call each other George and Emily. Does that sound familiar?
I did a review for you:
Hm, I don’t know that YA book but it sounds interesting. Maybe another reader will know what it is.
Thanks for the review link, I’ll check it out!