A standout book that I did not review on the blog was What My Bones Know, a memoir by a survivor of Complex PTSD (or relational trauma, as I think it could be better described). Thanks so much to What’s Nonfiction for pointing me to this powerful account of personal transformation. I also read my first of several personalized recommendations from The Book Stop, Dani Shapiro’s memoir Inheritance, another very thought-provoking story about family and individuality.
Along with some other heavy doses of reality I had fun mixing in some fantasy with this month’s Narniathon title and a few for March Magics. I also had a great time listing some of my favorite Castle books for Top Ten Tuesday. And I announced the casual readalong event, Reading the Theatre, now taking place in April. Join me if you so desire.
Books read in March
(Links to my blog post or review on Goodreads)

- The Box of Delights by John Masefield – Reread
- Death at la Fenice by Donna Leon
- Dragons at Crumbling Castle by Terry Pratchett
- Earwig and the Witch by Diana Wynne Jones
- The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon
- What My Bones Know by Stephanie Foo
- Brain Maker by David Perlmutter
- The Silver Chair by C.S. Lewis – Reread, Narniathon
- Inheritance by Dani Shapiro
- The Bible by Karen Armstrong
- You’ll Never Believe What Happened to Lacey by Amber Ruffin and Lacey Lamar
- The Luckiest Girl by Beverly Cleary
- The Spellcoats by Diana Wynne Jones – Reread
I created three episodes for the Enchanted English podcast but then my attention turned to other things. I did enjoy doing it, but I’m not sure I want to spend my time and effort this way. I’ve started teaching a small beginner class locally and that is enough challenge for me at the moment!
Some weeks ago I decided I really need to focus on my health and try to work through some longstanding issues if possible. With the help of functional medicine I may finally be seeing some ways that I can address my digestive problems and feel better. I hope I’ll have some good news about this in the near future (and if not, at least I’ve learned something).
A couple other slices of life I posted this month:
- Lovely Lucerne – Pictures from a trip in October (better late than never)
- Connecting with failure – My One Word reflections for March
I look forward to reading your news and updates. Keeping in touch with you helps me stay sane in a crazy world.

Linked at The Sunday Post at Caffeinated Book Reviewer, the Sunday Salon at Readerbuzz, and the Monthly Wrap-up Round-up at Feed Your Fiction Addiction
Rereading Diana Wynn Jones is a great idea. I haven’t read the same books you mentioned, but I’ve really enjoyed her fiction that I have read. In your list, i also see Donna Leon, another of my favorites. I have read most of her police procedural series.
best… mae at
Any time is a good time of year for reading Diana Wynne Jones, but it’s especially fun to join in with other bloggers in March. I’m very glad to have finally read Donna Leon so I know what all the fuss is about.
What my Bones know does seem like a fascinating non-fiction read. I love the cover as well.
Have a good week and take care of yourself!
Elza Reads
The cover is beautiful. The story is beautiful but harrowing. Not for the faint of heart.
I hope you get your digestive issues sorted out and feel better soon. Happy April!
Thanks, I surely hope so too.
What a mix of reading for March! The Beverly Cleary caught my eye as she always reminds me of my 5th grade teacher and her reading to us after lunch recess.❤️ I’m glad you are getting answers for your digestive problems. I am cheering you on across the miles.🤞
I’m on a Cleary kick after reading her autobiography. It’s really interesting to note the similarities and differences. Thanks for the cheerleading, that always does make me feel better!
I love seeing all the books you read last month. Lots of them including Box of Delights and The Bible by Karen Armstrong sound like great reads.
I do hope you get some relief from your health issues. It’s good that you think some solutions are on the way.
A podcast sounds like so much fun. But I honestly can’t see myself doing one. I’m afraid I’d ramble. I do enough of that in text!
There were a lot of great reads. I do make notes on Goodreads for everything not reviewed on the blog, in case anyone is interested to know more. i should update to mention that.
I don’t like very long rambly podcasts so I was careful to make mine short. Even that takes a lot of time to write and produce. I admire people who can manage to keep it up on a regular basis.
Beautiful photo of Lucerne! I enjoyed The Shadow of the Wind! Happy April!
Lory, lovely to hear you were able to mix in some fantasy fun amongst your more serious reads. I wish you all the best with your language classes, reading and functional heath. 🙂
Thank you so much Jessica. Hope you are having a good month too.
All these books sound interesting. I recall Earwig and the Witch was made into an amine movie.
Yes, I can imagine it making a fun movie.
What a great list. I’m intrigued especially with What My Bones Know though I’m afraid I’d be a crying mess reading it. 😀
It does really put you through the wringer, but in the end it’s about empowerment and healing, so I hope you’ll give it a chance.
Love these updates, Lory. Sounds like you had a productive and fun reading month. Among my nonfiction books, I’m reading a YA book to lighten the mood, “Flygirl.”. I keep waiting for the hammer to drop even in this book though because it’s set in WW2.
Yes, in those books often you know what’s coming before the characters do themselves…
Hope the medication helps your digestive issues. Both my husband and my daughter are on meds that have helped them a lot.
That’s good to hear. So often it comes down to individuals finding out what works for them.
The Silver Chair–I love that book. It’s been so long since I read that series. It brings back good memories.
Hoping you have a great April and your health issues get fixed.💜
The Narniathon is in full swing but all are welcome to join any time! Thanks for the good wishes and I wish you a great month as well.
The Luckiest Girl is my favorite Cleary and the one I have reread the most frequently (although Fifteen is also great). I got to meet her once – a sweet old lady! And did you know that Nick Kristof is also from Yamhill? He is a fan.
Cleary is a unique literary genius. Achieving simplicity that is not vapid or empty is one of the hardest tasks in literature, and it’s often children’s writers who do it the best — and are rarely given their due for it. I’m glad I have more of her teen books left to enjoy.
I’m glad you liked Inheritance! Did you enjoy Lacey, I thought that was also a great book — it’s hard to treat the subject of racism with humor, and I found it deeply moving. What My Bones Know is definitely going on my list, this sounds like another great book on the brain and trauma.
You’ll Never Believe … was a powerful book, with the humorous tone gradually giving way to an underlying rage. The combination was quite remarkable. What My Bones Know was also so powerful, with all it had to communicate about the impact of trauma and the frustration of trying to find effective help. There are more tools now but also a lot of obstacles in the system.
Really glad I could point you to What My Bones Know and that you enjoyed it so much. It was the same for me with In the Realm of the Hungry Ghosts – I read it but still haven’t gotten around to reviewing it, not sure if I will, but it was excellent and really powerful. Thanks for convincing me of that one, you did such a great review of it!
I’m so glad to know that you read and appreciated it too. I was just thinking I need to go back and read it again, it had so much information that I still need to process.
It’s definitely one that deserves a revisit, it was a lot to absorb in one go.