Over at Motherwell: Bringing back read-aloud time with a teenager

The online magazine Motherwell, which describes itself as “telling all sides of the parenting story,” has published an essay I wrote about reading to my son, titled “Why it’s important to read aloud to our teenagers.”

Here’s how it starts:

“Mom, could you read to me?” 

Virus-ridden and miserable, my son was lying on the floor of our living room, where he tended to gravitate when sick—weary of his bed, it was the furthest he could go for a change of scenery. Fourteen years old might seem old for being read to, but appearing grown-up wasn’t his priority at this point. He was looking for comfort, diversion, and to feel cared for. 

I’d actually kept reading to him through his childhood, up until just a couple of years ago…

To keep reading, visit the post on Motherwell.

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5 thoughts on “Over at Motherwell: Bringing back read-aloud time with a teenager

  1. What a wonderful story! I do like the idea of reading aloud even once children can read for themselves. There is something about having that connection and a shared story to talk about. Also, sometimes in older books, the characters will have someone read aloud when they do chores or when they are sick. So reading aloud even to another adult wasn’t always considered odd. Maybe it’s time to bring that back!

    1. I read to my husband too, sometimes! One thing is, I prefer reading to being read to … fortunately my family members don’t mind being on the receiving end. Anyway, reading aloud should absolutely be for adults too.

      1. I prefer reading to being read to just because so many people aren’t great readers. I don’t need an award-winning performance. Just some pauses at the commas and the periods, please!

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