Summer in Other Languages: The journey begins

If you’re participating in the Summer in Other Languages challenge, welcome! I’m looking forward to three months of reading and sharing about our adventures, as we read books originally written in languages other than our own. Click on the link for more information about the challenge.

By the way, I know there are lots of amazing multi-lingual bloggers out there, so if English is not your mother tongue, feel free to decide how you want to challenge yourself. Maybe you want to explore some unfamiliar territory in English literature, or maybe you would like to read and share with us some works written in your native language.

On the other hand, if English is your only language of fluency, reading books in translation is still a wonderful way to expand your literary horizons.

As a result of my recent Make me read it post, I’ll be starting with L’Étranger by Albert Camus from my selection of books in French. Maigret à New York came in second place, so if I have time I may read that as well.

In July, I plan to focus on books in German — no English reading for pleasure allowed during that month! I will be reading and discussing Die Kleine Hexe by Otfried Preußler, and all are invited to join in reading along, whether in German, English, or another language. I may also manage some more children’s books or fairy tales. Then there is still the month of August to see what further inspiration may arise.

Please share any blog posts, Goodreads reviews, etc. here in the comments, or just tell us what you’re reading. Will you be joining us?

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6 thoughts on “Summer in Other Languages: The journey begins

  1. I hope to be joining in this summer, as you know, but it may only be at the rate of one a month—I’ll see how it goes.

  2. I think I failed to join in with you last year, but this year I hope to do better! It’s a great idea, thank you for hosting it.

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