It’s Halloween, and that means it’s the first day of Witch Week, a special time for fantasy lovers. This is a blog event I created in my first year of The Emerald City Book Review, and I’m delighted that Calmgrove and Lizzie Ross decided to take it over when I stopped.
This year, the theme is Cryptozoo, a chance to focus on monsters, fantastic beasts, and all kinds of magical creatures.

Here’s the schedule:
- Day 1, 31st October, Halloween: Welcome to the Cryptozoo! by Lizzie Ross.
- Day 2, 1st November, All Hallows Day: Once was, once wasn’t: an interview with author Kiyash Monsef, by Lory Widmer Hess. (Me!)
- Day 3, 2nd November, All Souls Day: Encountering the Yeti by Mallika Ramachandra.
- Day 4, 3rd November: Discussion of Victor LaValle’s horror fantasy The Changeling.
- Day 5, 4th November, Mischief Night: The Shadow Self: literary werewolves, by Chris Lovegrove.
- Day 6, 5th November, Bonfire Night: Slavic concepts of monstrosity and otherness by Ola Gruszczyk and Piotrek Kaplon.
- Day 7, 6th November: Wrap-up and announcement of 2024’s theme.
Head over to Calmgrove for each day’s post. It’s going to be a magical week.
I have a copy of The Changeling by Victor LaValle. I will be look forward to that post.
Should be an interesting discussion for sure.