In the course of the Narniathon we’ve reached the last volume of the Chronicles of Narnia, a bittersweet event. I have loved revisiting these childhood favorites, which really were a formative force for my imagination, and finding that while there is much I now question or would like to say differently as an adult, there is still much wisdom and beauty to be appreciated. I will miss the community with other readers who’ve been reading along, and all the thoughts and insights they brought from their own perspectives. Thank you, Chris, for leading us on this journey!
I remembered my intention to participate in the Support Book Bloggers Challenge, after a couple of forgetful months, and linked up ten posts I’ve commented on. Hope you might find some of interest to you too.
Otherwise, another quite random mix of books completed — fiction and non-, new and old. Here’s what I read in June, with links to my Goodreads reviews.

- Midstream: My Later Life by Helen Keller
- Writing the Sacred Journey by Elizabeth Jarrett Andrew
- The Blue Sword by Robin McKinley – Reread
- Women Talking by Miriam Toews
- In Our Blood by Caitlin Billings
- When Food Is Love and When Food Is Food and Love Is Love (audiobook) by Geneen Roth
- The Last Battle by C.S. Lewis – Reread for Narniathon
This year I’m once again challenging myself to spend a Summer in Other Languages, starting with a readalong of Le Grand Meaulnes by Alain-Fournier. So far I’ve kept up with my chapter-a-day goal, and a group of French speakers/learners is having a lively discussion on Discord, hosted by Emma of Words and Peace. I really appreciate this chance to read in the original a classic that baffled me somewhat when I encountered it in English. So this project will take me through July, and I’ll see what I am up for after that.

I am always interested to know what you are reading in or translated from other languages. Are you taking any armchair journeys this summer?
In June I became quite preoccupied with my eating habits and wanting to know what was behind some of my health issues and unhealthy patterns. I wrote about my further adventures with functional medicine and my current thoughts about the question “What’s really been eating me?” I also read or listened to two works by Geneen Roth, who helps people to break free of emotional eating and understand how food is linked to our experience of intimacy and love. This has been really helpful for me in finding my way through the challenges of better listening to and supporting my body.

My One Word post came back to the reasons why I chose my word (Connect) and how it’s been going for me so far. Connecting to my body and my inner wisdom has definitely been part of that reason, and I think this practice has helped me make steps. I’m looking forward to what develops in the next six months.
What are your thoughts as we pause for reflection in the middle of this year?
Linked at The Sunday Post at Caffeinated Book Reviewer, the Sunday Salon at Readerbuzz, and the Monthly Wrap-up Round-up at Feed Your Fiction Addiction
I’ve always wondered about the cult-like view of Le Grand Meaulnes by Alain-Fournier that has been part of French adolescent culture (and may still exist, though that would surprise me). I may try to learn more about it during Paris in July, also being hosted at Readerbuzz. Do you have any ideas?
best… mae at
I think it’s still quite popular, maybe among the older generation though. I just finished part 1 and I’ll try to post some thoughts.
I’m also on a journey towards better health and I applaud your efforts. We can do this!
Applauding you too, it’s great that you want to take better care of yourself.
Every list of New Year’s resolutions I’ve made since I can remember has included, “Talk less and listen more.” For my blogging I would translate that as “Post less and read others’ blogs more.” I think these are worthy goals but I have a long way to go.
For July, I’m focusing on French. Several years ago, I practiced French every day on Rosetta Stone, and by the end of the year, I felt like I was somewhat fluent. But now some years have passed and I’m afraid I’ve lost it all. I hope to get started on a road back to French this summer.
It’s hard to keep up language progress, if you leave it for a while, I think you’ll find that it comes back though. Paris in July should be a help!
I have recently read The Rabbit Factor translated from Finnish into English and Fish Swimming In Dappled Sunlight translated from Japanese to English.
Looks like you had a good June.
Have a great week!
Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
My post:
Those look interesting, I have been neglecting reading books in translation lately and should get back into it.
They were blog tour books. I had never read a translated work (that I knew of!) before. I feel quite cultured this month!!
Blog tours can be great for trying new things!
I’ve read so many things that I wouldn’t have necessarily picked up! I love them. A bit too much really so I am cutting down in August …
Words and Peace blog, she being French, loves Meaulnes. I am willing to find it in Spanish and give it a try. I love the translation discussion etc.
I hope you can find a good Spanish translation. Interested to hear your thoughts.
Thanks Lori.
That’s an interesting approach to a summer reading project. Sadly my knowledge of any language wouldn’t get me very far so, though I’m travelling the world through books this summer, they are all in English. I’ve not been very far yet – starting from home in Wales, I’ve been to England, Belgium and am now in Scotland. On the horizon will be Germany, Israel and Japan.
This is just my little push to myself each summer, since my language skills always need boosting. Also fine by me to read books in translation — I know there is another challenge for that hosted somewhere else, but why not extend it further. You’ll get to some of those soon, it seems!
I do love Meaulnes but I know that reading in French would seep into the Spanish I’m trying to learn and that’s more important at the moment.
I’m really having to have a think about my energy levels and committing to sleeping more even if it means I miss going to sleep with my husband and even watching a full programme on TV after dinner with him. I can’t go on like this, frankly. I don’t get enough sleep then I “use” chocolate to get me through the afternoon. Maybe I should just let myself nap and then miss out on getting enough work done to realise what I’m doing to myself. I don’t know, but something has to change: thank you for the reminder.
I hear you, my husband is a night owl and I have to go to sleep before him or I cannot function! We do a little goodnight ritual and then I conk out. Even then I wish I could get to bed earlier. But there are so many compelling things to do … it’s a real dilemma.
I somehow missed The Chronicles of Narnia as a child, so I was glad to at least be introduced to them as an adult. I love when books like these can work for all generations, each gleaning the things they need at the level they’re able to receive them!
Yes, those books are the best. I do think a really good children’s book works for all ages.
I started reading The Blue Sword but put it down. Robin McKinley’s writing is nice and I do want to enjoy it but I have a hard time getting through her books.
Have a great July reading month.
I can understand that, I’m not sure I would have been so enamored of this one if it hadn’t hit me at just the right age. I’ve given up on her later books.
I tried to visit your blog but the link isn’t working — do you have another site?
Happy to have found your blog via The Sunday post! Aw, hearing you talk about Narnia is so special. I wish I had known about Narniathon, it is an all-time favourite series!
Darn, you missed it! But you can still go back and look at the posts on Calmgrove, they are great.
Thanks for the tip!
So, so glad you choose not only to revisit Narnia but that you got such a lot out of it and shared your insightful and often incisive thoughts on individual chronicles. I’ve gained immeasurably from the whole exercise, but it would’ve been a poorer experience without the input of so many informed and thoughtful readers like you, Lory. Thank you.
Thank you Chris, Mr. “Informed and Thoughtful” himself! I think we all got a lot out of this reading event. That reminds me, I have to get an e-copy of From Spare Oom to War Drobe so I can enjoy the final month’s installment. After that, it’s over … sob.
So glad you can keep up with your French this summer.
I have recently read a short story in Spanish, and plan to read the whole collection:, by a Mexican author
Yes, I’m French, but I also read Spanish.
Sounds like a good plan for the summer. I’m really enjoying our readalong.
The Last Battle is my least favorite so being away from my books in June was not a bad excuse to avoid it. However, I am interested that you are finding Geneen Roth helpful. I have only skimmed her books but I used to work for the publisher and sold many copies, so I was curious about her approach.
I’ve never been a dieter, but Roth’s approach is applicable beyond dieting I think — it’s really about mindful eating, without using that terminology. Interested to read more about that from other points of view.