What Diana Wynne Jones book should the Folio Society publish next?

Now that they've published two titles by Diana Wynne Jones (see my post on the latest, Castle in the Air), the Folio Society has surely seen the wisdom of producing more. But which ones? House of Many Ways, which has been marketed as the third book in the "trilogy" that started with Howl's Moving Castle, … Continue reading What Diana Wynne Jones book should the Folio Society publish next?

Summer in Other Languages: Readalong of Die Kleine Hexe

It's July, and we've crossed into the true month of midsummer. If you've been participating in Summer in Other Languages, how have you been doing? I confess that my performance has not been at all impressive. I started L'étranger by Albert Camus, but I find it slow going; with its unsympathetic protagonist. Other distractions, such … Continue reading Summer in Other Languages: Readalong of Die Kleine Hexe

“Lively and discursive as Chaucer’s pilgrims”: The Corner That Held Them

Over at A Gallimaufry, a Sylvia Townsend Warner Reading Week is happening from June 28 to July 4. I'm always up for investigating another blogger's enthusiasms, and I've been meaning to read something else by STW (I'd only read Lolly Willowes). So I checked out The Corner That Held Them from the library, and set … Continue reading “Lively and discursive as Chaucer’s pilgrims”: The Corner That Held Them