Spinning a tale

As I get things started here on my new blog, I'll occasionally be posting essays that I wrote for other publications. This essay was originally published in 2011 in the online journal Cabinet des Fees. When Rumplestiltskin offers to spin straw into gold for the miller’s daughter, he reveals himself as an initiate of one … Continue reading Spinning a tale

Beyond words

Words have always been magic for me. From the time I learned to read (well before my first conscious memory), they have held the key to my understanding of the world around me and of my own inner experiences. The realms of enchantment and wonder spoken of through fairy tales, myths, poetry, and works of … Continue reading Beyond words

A new life

Last year, my life fell apart. Or exploded. It was all up in the air for a while, anyway, and I didn't know where it would come down. It was a good opportunity to try to practice inner peace, because there wasn't much of it outwardly. I realized that this is the only security we … Continue reading A new life

A new adventure

Dear friends, Welcome to my new blog, where I plan to post in a fairly random manner about reading, writing, travel, art, nature, food, spirituality, and anything else I please. My other blog, The Emerald City Book Review, will remain up and fully functioning at least through June, but I may move my blogging activity … Continue reading A new adventure