I've been considering a switch from Amazon-owned Goodreads for some time, and this year I decided to finally make the change. I'll be tracking my reading on the StoryGraph from now on; find me there as lory_enterenchanted. I will still be visiting Goodreads to check out what my friends are up to (the social element … Continue reading I’ve switched to The StoryGraph
Category: Announcements
The birth of the light
Dear readers, as usual I'm going to take a break from this blog until the second week in January. In my tradition, this is a special time that I try to keep a bit separate from ordinary life, using it to reflect on the past and prepare for the challenges to come in the New … Continue reading The birth of the light
I’m now on Mastodon
I've always been uncomfortable with ad-driven social media, and left Facebook earlier this year, so the recent debacle with Elon Musk's takeover of Twitter led me to look for alternatives. I wasn't very active on the bird site, but I did enjoy having a way of connecting with other bookish types, so I wondered if … Continue reading I’m now on Mastodon
Reading the Theatre 2022: Free for all
Last March I ran a month-long celebration of theatre-related reading -- plays, biographies and memoirs from stage artists, stage-related fiction and nonfiction, or whatever else might seem relevant. I missed going to the theatre! It was a wonderful month and I was glad some blog friends chose to join in. Click on the link above … Continue reading Reading the Theatre 2022: Free for all
A new project: the Enchanted English podcast
When italki made it possible for teachers to create a podcast and share it on the platform, I jumped in. I'd been thinking for a while about creating a podcast for English learners, based on excerpts from real literature in English -- starting with poems that I've collected, but eventually including prose works as well. … Continue reading A new project: the Enchanted English podcast
Introducing the Emerald City Book Review Archive
Since I stopped posting new content at my former blog, The Emerald City Book Review, I decided to stop paying for premium themes and hosting at the expiration of my current contract. That has now taken place, so ECBR in its former incarnation is no more. However, I wanted to keep at last some of … Continue reading Introducing the Emerald City Book Review Archive
Coming in March: Reading the Theatre
In the dismal days of late winter, as we enter the second year of pandemic-induced distancing and lockdowns, I'd like to introduce a theme that may provide a welcome counter-impulse and help us to look forward to the days when we can gather once more. As theatres around the world have been closed or severely … Continue reading Coming in March: Reading the Theatre
A new look
As a birthday present to myself this month, I ordered some new post graphics to update the look of Entering the Enchanted Castle. In the new year I plan to close down my other blog The Emerald City Book Review and move my other blogging activity, including book reviews and discussions, over here, so I … Continue reading A new look
Moving and changing
Challenging my tech skills, I believe I have successfully moved this blog from WordPress.com to a self-hosted platform. I've tried to migrate all my followers -- I definitely do not want to lose any of you! -- so I hope that worked. If you are still on board, I would love to hear from you … Continue reading Moving and changing
A new adventure
Dear friends, Welcome to my new blog, where I plan to post in a fairly random manner about reading, writing, travel, art, nature, food, spirituality, and anything else I please. My other blog, The Emerald City Book Review, will remain up and fully functioning at least through June, but I may move my blogging activity … Continue reading A new adventure